Floral Design

Taree Downs, Instructor
Central High School, West Campus

NOTE: This course is approved but is not currently being offered. For clarification or further information, please contact our District ROP Coordinator.

Placement Recommendations:
This class is open to all students at Central High School. Student must be in 11th or 12th grade and/or at least 16 years old.

Course Description:
Floral Design is designed to introduce students to floral design and to provide hands-on training that encompasses running a floral business. Students will be provided the opportunity to explore various aspects of floral design and entrepreneurship. They will complete a series of projects that provide an in-depth look at how a floriculture business runs and all of the aspects within the scope of future career development.
This course is UC A-G approved.

Class Advisors

All ROP teachers are required to maintain a list of advisors. These advisors are community members that work in fields related to their class, and help to advise them of current trends in the industry.